about ancient books

more than one year after the last post, here I am again.

things that happened in the meantime:

he sold his soul.

I healed.

how do I know he sold his soul? he told me. he said he was not ready to overcome his fears and he embraced other choices.

how do I know I healed? because I found myself interested in someone else.

do I still think about him? yup. it would be a lie to say no, nobody wipes out such an important love. but there are different ways to face memories: and these ones, although they sting, are in the past.

do I talk to him? nope. the last time was this past summer.

why didn’t I write all this time? I couldn’t.

who is that someone else? a book.

I also changed my job in between, I like what I’m doing now. and I studied for my B plan; I’m busy building the space to make it bigger in my future.

during this time, I sat down, looked at my soul, and focused on running again and standing for myself.

I also found out that I have to take even better care of my body, as the machine is not as perfect as it should be.

what I haven’t changed is my research on love. this still remains that most enchanting mystery. the air that we breathe. the reason why we’re alive, literally: thanks to it, we reproduce the species.

this mystery is perfectly encapsulated in the guy who caught my attention: shy, silent, precious like an ancient book covered in dust.

a soulmate book, for sure.

however, I learned my lesson: you can’t open a book that doesn’t want to reveal its story to you.

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